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*Optionyard is a revolutionary binary options trading platform that offers a wide range of unique features to make it easier for traders to manage their risk and set the terms of the trade. Traders can trade binary options on stocks, commodities, currency pairs and indices 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. Optionyard provides investors with high returns up to 75 - 85% if the option is in-the-money.
The option prices that are listed on the Optionyard website are the prices in which Optionyard is willing to offer the options. The prices displayed are not the real time prices for underlying assets. Important risk note: Binary options trading involves significant risk.
We strongly advise that you read our Terms & Conditions before making any investments. The prices we present on our site are the ones Optionyard is willing to sell options at and are not necessarily the real time market prices. Customers must be aware of their individual capital gain tax liability in their country of residence.
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